I've been trying to write this post for nearly two days, but every time I sit down to write it, my now 2-year-old Nono climbs on my lap and wants me to read her a book. And who can resist that?
Nohea turned 2 on Tuesday. I was reading something in some magazine about sharing with your children stories of when they were younger, and I realized that I don't have the best memory. No shock to Kulani, of course. Hopefully this blog will be filled with the things my mind will surely forget.
Nohea has fit into our family like a favorite blanket. She's so loved by all of us, and she brings so much love to our family. She wants to be just like her big sisters and do everything they're doing. I like to say that she thinks she's one of us, in which Kulani always replies: "She is one of us."
Here are some of my favorite things I love about Nohea:
She loves to sleep with Mom and Dad and breaks out in a huge smile everytime she's allowed to sleep with us. She gets so riled up that it takes her a while to finally fall asleep. She touches my face and snuggles with Dad, then comes back over to me.
Nohea prefers me first thing in the morning. Even if Dad gets her out of her crib, she has to have Mommy first thing, and then breakfast. She prefers Dad if she's been hurt in any way.
Nohea is my most precocious child. You can't leave her alone for very long or something like the above happens. Her sister claim she painted herself, but I have my doubts. The lines and dots are all a little too perfect for self application. She wants to climb on everything and doesn't seem afraid of heights. She's fallen off of the barstools on more than one occasion. Even at her 2-year-doctor visit she managed to fall off the chair.
Nono loves her sisters. She'd rather be with them more than anyone, especially her oldest sister Lilia. She will sometimes torment Melissa. Both older sisters are very good to Nono, though, and help her like they're little mommies.
Nono's nickname has won her many little nursery friends, because all kids know the words "no, no," so they all know Nono's name.
We just love Nohea to pieces. Happy Birthday, Nohea! I hope we survive your terrible 2s!
We thought about NoNo all day on Tuesday and we hope she had a great day. Oh, to have three sweet daughters, that would be a blessing. Happy Birthday little NoNo! Love, Mary, Minnie, Eddie and Hans
Nono is a barrel of monkeys. Though she's been less NoNo lately, surprisingly.
She is such a cutie pa tootie.
Nono is so cute!!!
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