Thursday, July 17, 2008

Turning into my mother

It's official: I'm turing into my mother. We've been watching the 7-year-old neighbor girl for the past few weeks while her older sister is visiting back East somewheres. (I think blogs are the perfect place for colloquialisms, so please excuse me if you don't like them.) I've treated her like she was one of my own, making her clear the dishes, clean up the rooms, etc. I don't think she is required to do much in her home, as she is the youngest by quite a ways, and she spends some of her time as an only child at her dad's house. At any rate, my oldest daughter told me that Kayla (the neighbor girl) told her: "Your mom is so mean." Many a friend said that exact phrase to me whilst growing up. But I'll have the last laugh in the end. Would a "mean mom" take the kids swimming or to the matinee, hand out fresh-made bread with jam to all the neighbor kids, and freely offer popsicles? I think not! It's time I start doing that...


MarySquare said...

I can already see myself doing just that. I've already perfected Mom's stern voice and key phrases like, "What makes you think you can do that?" and "Why do you think that is okay?"

Hey, just sign your kids up for the 8:00 AM (or earliest) swim lessons possible in the local outdoor pool for the summer and you'll really be channeling the Mamacita.

mariann and Tory said...

That is so funny! I think it is a great way to show her how to work. She might look back someday and laugh. Then again, maybe not, but at least she will have those memories to look back on.
P.S. I love your blog and it makes me laugh so I am adding you onto my "Cool blogs list." Congrats! :)

Ellen James said...

When can I come over for the homemade bread and jam??

I'm a very mean mom...I think the worst in the neighborhood, so don't you worry about it!


Angela said...

I was once told that if you're not hearing that you're mean from your kids, then you're doing something wrong.
You're the mom I want to be.
I was a Kayla. I was like an only child since my brother and sister were quite older than me. I remember staying at friend's houses while my parents were on vacation (not for weeks, though, holy cow) I can remember helping out with chores and I'm glad I was expected to help out. Maybe not at the time, though.
Just for letting her stay for a few weeks is means your pretty darn nice.
I think I'll just copy and paste my last reply to your blog here:
Grrr! Go Cindy!