On my date with the sour sisters, we wanted to try that new LibertyLand in Lehi. It's kind of like Boondocks, only not as big. It's the little amusement park you see from the freeway with a Mount Rushmore-type of roller coaster. To get there, you go by Flirts, a private club. Oh, now you know where it is...
The date kind-of reminded me of one of my first dates once I turned 16. My date, the idiosyncratic Joel Oleson, took me miniature golfing in Heyburn (echo), Idaho (echo). Heyburn--population 3,000 (cricket sounds). Yeah, we were the only ones at the putt-putt course. I think the place didn't stay open for more than a season. Which reminds me of a Fisher Family Rule we have: never allow Cindy to open a business. When we were first married, I tried convincing Kulani that once we retired, we should move to Blanding and invest our savings into a bowling alley and roller skating rink. Blanding (echo), Utah (echo)--population, 3,000 (cricket sounds). Well, that was LibertyLand this Monday night. Another family was there, but we didn't really run into them. We went on the train ride, the bumper boats, and the flying planes. The lady threw in a free ride for us and told me to tell others about the place. I told her I'd blog about it. They were setting up what looked like a really cool haunted house, and soon they'll have cool arcade games and lazer tag. Tell your friends.
Here's me and my dates. It's how I like it: one on each arm. Ah yeah.
Here's me and my dates. It's how I like it: one on each arm. Ah yeah.

Us on the bumper boats. No-no didn't like it so much.

Kids 2 and under are free. For 12 tickets it costs $12.50. Each ride is about 3 tickets. For an all-day pass it's $16.50. Seriously, tell your friends.
I'm thinking we may have to copy you guys! It sounds like great fun! Hopefully that place is still in business by the next time we are close enough to try it. Even if we have to drive by the private club:)
C-ster, you look gorgeous in the last picture! Put it on your Facebook profile STAT!
I remember that putt-putt place. It didn't last long, did it?
Heyburn really has a population of 3000? I didn't think it was that big. Wow!
You look great in those pictures! Your girls...watch out! Do you own a gun? You're going to need it when they grow up! Seriously, they are beautiful.
And the 100 thing...I don't think I have 100 things about me that people would want to read. Maybe a 10 thing.
Yeah, I had to check the population numbers in Wikipedia, and sure enough, Heyburn has around 3,000 (2,899 according to 2000 Cencus). Wikipedia is awesome. I'm having a difficult time myself coming up with 100. I'll try doing 20 more today.
Mary: You're too kind.
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